What are the areas of risk in your workplace and are you able to cope if anything happens?
In the current working environment even minor accidents or disputes can have potentially litigious and costly consequences. Getting employment legislation and Health and Safety compliance right is therefore essential for a business to thrive.
Retra Risk Assist is a comprehensive online risk management website and resource centre which provides Retra members with the means to manage all aspects of staff employment and workplace safety. There is a wealth of advice and documents available to help you manage areas such as Occupational Road Risk (ORR), External Area Hazards, Fire Emergency Evacuation, Manual Handling, Working at Height and Pedestrian and Vehicle Movement.
In addition, The Business Continuity Area encompasses the management processes that identify potential threats that will impact on a business' ability to provide its customers with products or services and the actions needed to ensure the immediate future following any major disruption.
There’s a dynamic e-learning portal designed to coach staff upon the key areas of risk assessment, and an “Ask the Expert” service is also available.
Members signed up to Retra Risk Assist will receive notification of any changes or current issues which may impact their business.
Retra Risk Assist is FREE to Retra members.
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Health and Safety
Retra Risk Assist provides businesses with downloadable policies, procedures, and documentation to help you streamline Health and Safety processes, stay compliant and keep up to date with Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
Your Retra membership will help you enjoy a safe and productive working environment, and it will give you peace of mind on the continuing welfare of your employees. It will help you to keep up to speed on all aspects of Health & Safety affecting your workplace.
Human Resources
If your business does not have your own HR team, our HR services provide you with help and information from experts concerning your workers.
Our HR services include policies, procedures, documentation and legislation presented in a pragmatic and straightforward manner, enabling you to create and manage your HR “audit trail”. Remember that you can also access the “Ask the Expert” service for a response via email within 24 hours.
Business Interruption
Business continuity may be the very thing that keeps you in business when even a minor disaster strikes.
Planning ahead with the use of our tools can ensure that your business not only survives minor disruptions, but also develops forward-thinking strategies to prevent them in the first place. In planning for business interruptions, you will have a guide for taking action that saves you time and added stress when an incident occurs, helping your business thrive despite challenges.
Driving Risk
Directors and Senior Managers now face fierce fines and even prison if they fail to adequately manage the “duty of care” for their employees that drive.
Our Driving at Work service has been created specifically to assist companies and organisations in the management of occupational road risk. We provide you with a company audit to complete, followed up a bespoke set of remedial actions to assist in compliance with the law. Your drivers can also complete individual audits which are uploaded to the system for monitoring centrally.